ClickFunnels vs Kartra


ClickFunnels and Kartra are both digital marketing platforms used to create, manage, and optimize sales funnels. Both platforms offer a wide range of features, such as email marketing, payment processing, and analytics. However, they have some key differences. ClickFunnels is designed to be simple and easy to use, with an emphasis on sales funnels and pages. It also offers a wide range of integrations and templates. Kartra, on the other hand, is designed to be more comprehensive, with features like autoresponders, membership sites, and affiliate management. It also offers a more diverse range of templates and integrations, including Zapier and Stripe. Ultimately, the choice between the two platforms will depend on the user‘s needs and budget.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra

ClickFunnels vs Kartra has been a popular brain teaser among marketing enthusiasts for a long time. With online marketing growing consistently in its size and overall share in the business, it is only wise to operate your business through the most effective digital platforms.

Selecting the right software to create sales funnels, increase lead generation, and design landing pages is one of the key steps in developing your business seamlessly and in quick time.

Once you decide to expand your market using eCommerce, you must select the most effective and efficient tools in the arena of online marketing.

There are several high-quality software available on the digital platform to create landing pages and sales funnels, however, Kartra and ClickFunnels are the two most highly rated among all.

As you decide to choose one of the two top-rated software to perform specialized marketing tasks, you may wonder which one of them you should choose for your specific business purposes! Which software between Kartra and ClickFunnels will be more suitable for you?

Do they offer similar services or they cater to different aspects of online marketing? How do the features and functionality of both these applications make one of them more suitable for you than the other? 

Let us look at all these factors and explore many more such aspects that can help you make the right decision while selecting the best software tool for your online business.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra: Introducing ClickFunnels

ClickFunnels has become such a big name in the field of online marketing that it does not need any formal introduction. Developed by Russel Brunson in 2014, the software has earned such popularity because of the highly powerful features that it offers in creating landing pages and building highly effective sales funnels.

ClickFunnels’ high demand can also be attributed to the fact that it is one software that does not require its users to be tech-savvy. Even a novice in the digital field can use it to create high yielding sales funnels in no time.

Clickfunnels Key Features

ClickFunnels offer several highly functional features to help you build the most effective sales funnels. These features include:

  • Multiple pre-developed templates to quickly create sales funnels and select the best one among them.
  • A highly rewarding in-built affiliate program.
  • Automated email marketing for most effective follow-up.
  • Webinars hosting.
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Special membership sites.
  • Multiple ways to make money through different social media platforms.
  • High-quality training material and training courses to learn about online sales, sales funnels, affiliate marketing, and how to achieve success using them, etc.
  • Shopping cart.
  • Very powerful integrated sales tracking and analysis tools on the dashboard.
  • Concluding sales through automatic delivery and realization of payment.
  • And many more…

Related Read: GrooveFunnels Review

Advantages and Disadvantages

Major Advantages

ClickFunnels offer several unique benefits to its users. The three major advantages include:

  1. ClickFunnels facilitates its users to create landing pages that have a complete focus on conversion.
    1. The best part of this feature is that the marketers need not have any knowledge and experience in coding to create such high-quality landing pages.
  2. It helps to develop high yielding sales funnels from the entry-level funnels to the most advanced funnels.
    1. The software helps in the easy creation, and efficient running of sales funnels at every level of online business.


ClickFunnels is a perfect software solution yet have a few minor downsides:

  1. Direct uploading of videos is not possible.
    1. You need to embed videos from other applications like Youtube etc.
  2. It has limited membership options.
    1. Not quite easy to monetize your web through membership alone.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra: Introducing Kartra

Developed by Andy Jenkins and Mike Filsaime, Kertra is one of the most effective online software from the house of Genesis Digital. It is an all-in-one eCommerce application that has the solution to all your online marketing needs from creating landing pages and sales funnels to the shopping cart and email automation.


The major reason for its high popularity is the fact that Kartra offers several highly functional applications under one umbrella and for the price of one single application. So, you will have all the tools to develop and scale your e-business quickly and easily without breaking your bank.

Kartra Key Features

Kartra has the exclusivity of offering multiple applications under a single package. Its wide range of offerings include:

  • Tools to develop impressive landing pages
  • Membership sites
  • Video hosting
  • Tools to build sales funnels
  • Email marketing and automation services
  • Highly powerful sales data analytics
  • Affiliate marketing program
  • Shopping cart
  • Helpdesk
  • And many more…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Kartra

Major Advantages

Among the many benefits that Kartra offer to its users in growing their online business, some of the major ones include:

  • Every plan has accessibility to all the tools of the software.
    • Different plans have varying degrees of restrictions on the use of features.
  • Hosting video is the unique feature of Kartra.
    • This feature allows users to play their videos from any location- be it the membership portal or the web pages.
  • The membership site is rich in functionality.
    • You can manage subscriptions, embed videos, share files, and perform many other functions seamlessly.


Similar to ClickFunnels, though Kartra is replete with highly powerful features, it also has its limitations. A few of them are as follows:

  • The slow speed of loading pages and other processes.
    • This can be a little irritating at times.
  • Limited web builder features.
    • Though far more than many other applications, Kartra has fewer features for building web pages compared to ClickFunnels.

Clickfunnels vs Kartra Comparison

When you have to review the two top leaders in the field of online marketing, it is rather easy to talk about their unique features, and advantages in absolute terms. However, it is quite challenging, on the other hand, to compare the two with each other.

Both the software have many similarities to offer to their users. These similar features make them popular among many newbies and advanced entrepreneurs. However, the two also have many differences and these differences make each one of them more suitable than the other for some special marketing situations.

The overview given above only touches upon some of the basic features of the two software. It does not provide an in-depth analysis of the tools to help you evaluate which one of the two is more suitable for your business. So, we will need a detailed review of all these features to find out their usefulness in different business scenarios.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra Features

Being at the top of the sales funnel building software list both Kartra and ClickFunnels are equipped with the features essential for creating and efficiently running sales funnels.

We will have a deeper look at the set of features that make them superior to the rest of the sales funnel building applications available in the market. We will also compare their features with each other to find out which application is better than the other in their respective functionality.

Set of Features in Different Pricing Plans


Through its 3 different pricing plans, ClickFunnels offers some of the most exclusive features to create highly impressive and unique landing pages and the most attractive sales funnels. The 3 plans include the ClickFunnels Plan, ClickFunnels Platinum Plan, and TwoCommaClubX Plan.

clickfunnels pricing

The Starter or the ClickFunnels Plan is priced at $97/mo. It includes the following features:

  • Sharing funnels with others.
  • Easy funnel building applications with pre-created templates to create up to 20 funnels.
  • Create sub-pages under each funnel. Total pages limited to 100 numbers.
  • Set up 1 team member with login and admin authority.
  • Connect to 3 payment gateways for easy payment and 3 domains to have several brands and products.
  • Chat support.
  • Attend training courses delivered by successful leaders in the field of marketing and personal development through FunnelFlix.

ClickFunnels Platinum plan is available at $397/mo. The plan includes some more additional features:

  • All the features of the Starter plan.
  • Unlimited funnels and pages.
  • Set up 3 members with login and admin authority.
  • Connect to 9 payment gateways and 9 domains.
  • Unlimited Follow-Up Funnels allowing you to connect to your audience even after they have left your funnel.
  • Get priority support in getting answers to any of your queries related to funnel building or other relevant topics.
  • Get step-by-step guidance on funnel building through weekly peer review hackathons.
  • Many more hours of training courses in addition to the starter plan.
  • Get a lot more training material like Tonny Robbins Private Collection who is world #1 Life and Business Strategist, One Funnel Away Challenge video created by Russell Brunson, monthly video in the form of Funnel U, 10X secrets, and so on.

The third plan offered by ClickFunnels is TwoCommaClubX. It is available at $2,497/mo. To get the TwoCommaClubX package, you need the approval to be a member of this exclusive program. You get some of the most exclusive offers in this pricing plan over and above the Platinum package.

In addition to these plans, ClickFunnels also offers a 14-day free trial. You can join the free trial and find out the usefulness of ClickFunnels features in your business.


Kartra pricing

Instead of 3 pricing plans as in ClickFunnels, Kartra offers 4 plans. Some of these plans offer a set of features that are exclusive to Kartra only and sets it apart from the rest. The four plans include the Starter Plan, Silver Plan, Gold Plan, and Platinum Plan. Following is the price for each of these plans:

  • Starter Plan- $79/mo
  • Silver Plan- $149/mo
  • Gold Plan- $229/mo
  • Platinum Plan- $379/mo

Except for the Kartra Agency, each of the above plans includes all the feature sets with different levels of accessibility in each plan.

  • The starter plan includes lead generation for up to 2,500 leads while the other three have the limit of lead generation of up to 12,500, 25,000, and 50,000 leads respectively.
  • Custom domains of 1, 3, 5, and 10 respectively for the four different plans.

Following features have limits set only for the starter plan. None of the other plans have any restrictions on usage.

  • 15,000 emails/mo and 50 GB bandwidth.
  • 100 pages and 50 videos for hosting.
  • 20 products to sell.
  • 2 membership sites and eligibility to have only 1 additional member. 
  • Connect with 1 helpdesk only.

In addition to these plans, Kartra offers a 14-day trial for $1. Joining the free trial plan will allow you to test the tools and features offered by Karta and their utility in your online marketing campaigns.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra: Best Funnel Software for Lead Generation 

One of the most basic purposes of any sale funnel builder software is to generate leads. To help you achieve your objective of generating high traffic and in turn more leads, different applications provide a variety of tools. Let us look at different functions and tools offered by both the software that make them more effective and efficient in generating leads.

Web Page Building

Both ClickFunnels and Kartra have drag and drop features to easily design the web pages. This feature allows even those who do not have the coding skills.


The web builder ability is one of the most appreciated features of ClickFunnels. The web editor of ClickFunnels is more functional than any other product in the market. The layouts of ClickFunnels and Kartra are more or less similar to each other.

The ability to customize is also quite similar in both applications. The design in terms of color-coded cells and contents is also almost the same. The ease of selecting and customizing also does not have any significant difference.

However, the availability of pre-paired templates is one feature that makes ClicksFunnels one of the most impressive web page builders. This is one of the most result yielding features that have helped numerous entrepreneurs to develop some of the most efficient web pages to attract traffic.

The unique feature allows you to select the type of industry, the type of funnel, and the appropriate templates to build the most effective web page. The feature offers ultimate convenience and allows even the newbies to create the perfect web page with super ease.


Kartra also offers a high level of convenience in building web pages. Through its various templates, it allows you to select the right templates and customize them to your requirements. However, the page building kit of Kartra is not as flexible as ClickFunnels.

It has 2 distinct modes viz. column mode and component mode. Column mode allows users to select a column for customization while the content mode allows them to make changes in the content within the cells. Besides, you also have the option to add pre-developed testimonials or pricing tables on the page.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra: Email Automation

This is one of the most powerful features for follow-up and relationship building and both Kartra and ClickFunnels have designed a robust email automation system to ensure an effective and longer-lasting relationship with the customers.


ClickFunnels vs Kartra

Actionetics also called Follow-up Funnels is the unique feature of ClickFunnels that gives wings to email marketing. The feature is efficiently and effectively integrated with all the major social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, and Google.

The feature requires you to feed in only the email address of the customer and the software collects the rest of the information of the customer related to their income bracket, interests, and so on. Over and above retrieving all relevant information, the software has an algorithm that can create a group of different customers according to their contribution to your business.


Email automation in Kartra is more functional than ClickFunnels. It not only collects information based on the customers’ email addresses but goes a few steps further. It can analyze the behavior pattern of the customers enabling you to send customized emails to each one of them.

Besides, the email automation tools can also track each click on the mail and can record every opened and sent mails, as well. This helps you in analyzing your email marketing performance logically and scientifically.

Once you select this feature, you allow Kartra software to follow up automatically with your clients according to the parameters set by you in the application. Kartra performs these email marketing activities in your sales funnels. These activities will include follow-up tasks, tool subscriptions, automatic mail generation, sending emails, and so on.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra: Affiliate Management Tools

Integration of Affiliate Management Tools is one of the most effective ways of lead generation. It is also an effective way to generate passive income. Both the platforms offer impressive affiliate management tools and also attractive commissions of up to 40% on sales.


ClickFunnels vs Kartra

ClickFunnels has named its affiliate management system as ‘Backpack’. It allows affiliates to earn commissions not only on their direct sales but on every subsequent purchase made by the customers. They offer sticky cookie incentives for this purpose.

Backpack assists affiliates in many different ways. It adds affiliates to every funnel developed by you in ClickFunnels, monitors sales of your affiliate products, and shows your commission according to your sales numbers. However, Backpack is not available on the starter plan of ClickFunnels.


ClickFunnels vs Kartra

Kartra’s affiliate system works uniformly with global settings. You can set it to get prompt payment of commissions through Paypal immediately after making the sale. Besides, you can also share multiple options having different terms and conditions with your potential affiliates.

You can also change the product setting to add an affiliate program with some products on checkout. Kartra affiliate system provides flexibility by allowing affiliates to add affiliate tags for payments and include commission tiers in their affiliate accounts.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra: Membership Sites


The setting up process of the membership site of ClickFunnels is extremely easy. It is as simple as creating funnels through the funnel templates. The customizable options while setting up the membership site are not as many as you get while setting up a page. However, the offered options are enough to give you a seamless experience of setting up.

You can integrate your membership site with your existing sales funnels. And this is one of the most promising features of ClickFunnels that allows you to operate the whole system very smoothly. The tool also allows you to reuse your earlier membership site at other locations through the share funnel feature. Besides, you can even replicate the membership site using the feature.

You only miss the built-in video and audio hosting options for which you may opt for any third-party sites offering these functions.


Kartra has a more inclusive membership site compared to other applications. Apart from being easy to set up, Kartra also allows you to upload video, audio, and text documents through its own servers. Besides, it also has built-in video/ audio hosting options.

It is so systematically organized that you can simply focus on your content without worrying about generating login credentials and login pages. Moreover, it also allows you to set bronze, silver, gold, and diamond tiers for membership sites.

A/B Testing

Without testing, you can never be sure about the performance level of your pages. Both ClickFunnels and Kartra offers you to perform tests on multiple types of page.


ClickFunnels A/B test allows you to perform the split test between the pages within the platform. Besides, it also evaluates page performance and continuously indicates confidence scores while testing. By comparing the scores, you can identify the useful pages at a glance. ClickFunnels also provides a statistics page. You can use this page to analyze the scores.


Similar to ClickFunnels, Kartra also allows you to do split tests between pages on Kartra platform. Besides, it allows you to perform the test from an external URM. It can also proportionately set the number of visitors on each page. As an alternative, it allows you to test up to 4 pages. You can select the option as per your requirement.

Kartra has two ways to define the winner. You can select the winner after performing the split test or set a benchmark for Kartra to declare the winner automatically on achieving the set milestones. Through its ‘perfect of certainty” statistics, Kartra not only defines which page is performing better but also calculates the difference in the performance of different pages.

These data help you make a more informed decision about stopping, continuing, or upgrading different pages. The split-testing option is available even with the base plan of Kartra.


Business analytics is one of the most important tools in keeping business on the right track. Knowing about your market performance helps you make the right decisions in improving your business performance. It is, therefore, necessary to review the tracking and analytics offered by both the applications to find out which one of the two will serve your specific business purpose in a better way.


Clickfunnels analytics

ClickFunnels offer many impressive tracking and analytics tools to its users. You can use these tools to evaluate your online business performance and take decisions accordingly. ClickFunnels also provides many third party solutions to your analytics related concerns in case the required tool is not a part of their integrated app collection.

You can perform many tracking and analytics activities by using ClickFunnels like knowing your web performance by monitoring the Clickthrough (CTR) rate. You can also analyze the pattern of your sales, examine future trends, and decide on the way forward on future campaigns.

Using the split-testing functionality, you can also evaluate the overall performance of your campaign. Besides, you can get access to numerous other tools helpful in tracking your online market performance and making the right decisions promptly.


A powerful tracking tool is one of the biggest highlights of Kartra. Among online marketers, it is known as an application that offers one of the most comprehensive analytics. You can track almost all your business parameters using Kartra. Be it your sales transaction or the memberships, your conversions, or lists, Kartra can provide you data on each activity that you perform through this robust application. 

Kartra tracking and analytics tools have a unique Certainty Ratio tool. You can use this tool for campaign split-testing. It is a highly advanced tool that can provide details on how each campaign is fairing in the market. It also does an accurate gap analysis and provides you clear visibility on the outcomes of different campaigns and the areas of improvement in each one of them.

Kartra tracking tools give you complete details of your visitors’ data, target achievement, revenue generation during a specific business period, and so on. The tool provides you exact information on all your transactions with details about the date of transaction, product update, and pricing. The details also include the user names of different sellers and buyers for each product.

Kartra facilitates you to track the conversion rate with each device and also provides details on the areas needing improvement. The Lead Tagged feature helps you to keep the focus on your potential customers while they move through your sales funnels.

There are many more benefits that Kartra tracking and analytics tools offer that you get acquainted with as you go deeper when using the application for your online business.

Flexibility and Ability to Customize

No high-quality lead page creating tool or sales builder can ignore the importance of customization ability. This is the very reason that most of budding or experienced entrepreneurs use such advanced tools for their online marketing.

Apart from having many highly functional tools, they want a tool that is simple, flexible, and can customize as per their specific needs. Let us find out how ClickFunnels and Kartra ensure high customization ability through their respective applications.


Creating highly professional sales funnels is a cakewalk with ClickFunnels. You have pre-designed templates coupled with a wide variety of predefined funnels for respective landing pages.

You can select any template for the branding purpose, and customize it with the content and other features suiting your specific marketing requirements. The simple drag and drop feature allows you to add any amount of content and different sections on your page with the utmost ease.

Besides, you can embed video links from third-party platforms like YouTube or Vimeo. You can also design customized subscription forms and action buttons according to your campaign requirement.

Furthermore, you can guide your visitors to move to the location you want them to visit via customized CTA buttons. You can also make custom domains for the funnels already existing in your sales funnel system and also for the new funnels. 

Over and above these features, ClickFunnels provides its users with exclusive Cookbook recipes. These recipes are the professional funnels built for specific purposes or goals based on your inputs.


Kartra dashboard is one of the most organized and systematically laid dashboards among all the online software. You do not need to search for any item of your interest. You can simply look at the panel on the left-hand side and click the required icon to reach the desired page.

Kartra too uses a highly user-friendly drag and drop feature to create different pages. You just need to select the appropriate template and add content, pics, and videos, etc. as per the requirement of your web page. The software gives you the flexibility to select even the size of the buttons.

The customization ability of Kartra is so much so that you can publish your pages very easily to any Kartra sub-domain or live to your domain in a quick time using One-Click-Button. Besides, you will have complete control over the appearance of your pages on Facebook.

The only limitation of Kartra builder is its limited pre-set sizes for different elements of the pages. Moreover, modifying the layout is restricted by the grid lines provided on the templates.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra: Integration Ability

The performance of your web and the effectiveness of your digital business operations depend a lot on the integration ability of your online software with all the in-built apps and required third-party support applications. Let us look at how ClickFunnels and Kartra ensure high integration ability with other applications.


Whether it is running marketing campaigns or analyzing your web performance, ClickFunnels offers superb integration of all the necessary in-apps and third-party applications. The seamless integration also allows you to have efficient funnel automation and CRM management, etc.

The in-app integration includes Follow-up Funnels that allow you to create automated emails. Besides, it also maximizes the conversion rate by generating targeted sales funnels.

It also has the basic in-apps like shopping carts and checkouts effectively clubbed with many other integrations like cloud-based communications and so on. The array of these apps and their super-smooth integration makes ClickFunnels a very powerful platform for online marketers.

So, if seamless integration of in-apps is one of the key highlights of this application, its third-party integration solution is no less impressive. You can integrate with several highly functional 3P apps that include,

  • PayPal and Stripe for online payment
  • Twilio to take cloud-based communication to a different level
  • MailChimp for email marketing
  • Super smooth integration with WordPress
  • Spotify as one more SaaS (Software as a service) solution
  • GoToWebinar
  • YouZign, a wonderful designing application
  • Salesforce as an efficient CRM solution
  • Zapier: It allows you to include many more applications
  • Facebook
  • And many more…


Offering integration with multiple applications requires significant time. From this point of view, Kartra has been quite impressive in providing several applications within a short span of 2 years.

Kartra offers some of the most useful integrations to its customers including,

  • Stripe, PayPal, Authorize.Net, etc. for online payment.
  • Twilio for cloud-based communication.
  • Digital Access Pass and S2 members etc. for membership.
  • Optimize Press for web page builder.
  • MailGun and SendGrid etc. for email marketing solutions.
  • Zapier to enable you to add many other apps.
  • And so on…

Apart from these integrations, as a web developer, you also get API and many custom applications to code custom integrations as per your specific requirements.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra: Support System


ClickFunnels technical team provides quick and prompt support to its users through Chat, Emails, and Phone calls. While the weekdays chat support is available for all the users, ClickFunnels entertains it’s Platinum users also through email and live chat. Support through phone calls is exclusively for the subscribers of their Premium Plan.

Apart from the regular communication channels, ClickFunnels provides a lot of knowledge and information to its users via blog posts and video training through its FunnelFlix program.

You can utilize these training channels to enhance your knowledge and hone your skills in using different tools in running different marketing campaigns. Moreover, you can also join the Funnel Hacker Forum which is exclusively for the ClickFunnels users, and support each other through your knowledge and experience.


Kartra also has an impressive support system for its users. You can seek support through their Live Chat support system from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM PST during weekdays. Besides, you can also submit online tickets to get support from Kartra’s tech team for any web-related issues.

Moreover, the Kartra training center offers several knowledge-based video tutorials to help users in understanding the tools and features offered by Kartra and also to enhance online marketing skills.

You can further take support from the other members and also extend your support to them through Kartra’s Facebook community. Kartra has a unique support system of providing an expert to run your online business effectively. You can hire these specialists at Kartra’s marketplace.

ClickFunnels vs Kartra- Funnel Load Times

Some of the features discussed above help in faster funnel load times. Both ClickFunnels and Kartra has some features that ensure quicker funnel load times. 


It is very easy to create pages with ClickFunnels through its drag and drop feature. ClickFunnels also allows you to see all the pages in your funnel thus making it very convenient and simple to load the pages. Numerous templates offered with the application make it extremely easy to create and load pages in quick time even for those having no technical knowledge.

It is not so uncommon for any online support application to be a little buggy at times. However, the ClickFunnels support system is extremely helpful in getting rid of these bugs very quickly.


Kartra too has a drag and drop editor for easy and quick designing and loading of pages. Besides, it too has many useful templates for landing pages. Moreover, Kartra has numerous features like video or audio hosting, email marketing, etc. You can integrate your landing pages directly with these features of the Kartra application.

Kartra is also working to improve its load time to bring it on par with ClickFunnels. Besides, it is also updating many features to ensure easier editing of pages.

Related Read: Unbounce vs ClickFunnels

Clickfunnels vs Kartra: Summary

On through review of the features, we can observe that following are the features that give ClickFunnels and Kartra an edge over their competitors:


  • Userfriendly and quick funnel building and landing page creation
  • Seamless integration of in-apps and third-party applications
  • Efficient support system
  • Extensive training material and training courses
  • Webinar hosting
  • Free trial


  • Affiliate management program
  • Membership sites
  • Email marketing and automation
  • Split testing
  • Analytics abilities
  • Affordable Pricing Plans
  • Video hosting and Helpdesk

Clickfunnels vs Kartra: Suitability


ClickFunnels is suitable for,

  • The marketers who want to develop optimized sales funnels.
  • Business owners interested in creating high-converting landing pages.
  • Experienced and established entrepreneurs who wish to make use of the online platform to maximize their profits using highly powerful features.
  • Marketers having sales and marketing as their top-most priority.
  • Business owners who can deal with even the intricate sales function of their products and services.


Kartra is suitable for,

  • Marketers who want to have a single software to operate their entire business.
  • The entrepreneurs who want more affordable and comprehensive pricing plans. 
  • Your customers require the Help Desk function within the application
  • The developers who have a lot of requirement for video hosting.
  • Businesses with fast and frequent changes in business dynamics.
  • Entrepreneurs who want to utilize membership sites to optimize their digital marketing efforts.


I hope I was able to help you find your way out of the ClickFunnels vs Kartra dilemma. Both ClickFunnels and Kartra are an all-in-one online business solutions. Both these applications offer impressive and effective features that help make your online marketing campaigns seamless and effective.

However, despite having the same purpose and objective their unique features make them suitable for different marketing situations. So, to get the maximum benefit of the tool, you should check your specific marketing requirements and select the tool that meets your business objectives.

Let us know how our ClickFunnels vs Kartra comparison helped you out in the comments below.

About Author
Hi, I’m Ajay Rai, Founder of Upcoach and digital marketer. I launched this site on September 1st 2019 to help people learn online marketing and make money online.

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